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Publisher’s Article October

FONTANA, CA — Because of a telephone call that I received today, I thought it was urgent that I write this article. I will not provide names, but I will provide some of the information that prompted the telephone conversation.

I found out that one of my great, great nieces was having episodes of depression, low self-esteem, possibly cutting herself and challenges that has cause her to disrespect her parent’s authority. I found out that her parent was deceasing and she was increasing in her own authority.

I had no questions in my mind that I needed to lovingly step up and step into my niece’s life. There’s no question about how much I love her and is concerned about her well-being. I figured maybe I could give her some guidance that would make her be accountable to me as well as her parent.

Our outreach “Loving On Our Youth” is for all young people, and this is my niece that is in need, I am so happy that I got the information about her shared with me. My husband, Daniel and I have such a passion when it comes to the young people needing us, now it’s my great, great niece! Our children and young people want and need someone to step into their life.

It takes a village to raise our children these days, maybe several villages. Yes,parents, grandparents, teachers, counselors and pastors we all know that they are here, but sometimes with some kids they need more, and even more sometimes just to feel that they are loved. It’s not about gifts and things, it’s about personal inter-
action, the simple things in life.

After I hung up, I immediately called her mother, my niece and asked her if I could get involved and she immediately said, “Yes, yes, please!” I know my little nieces’ life from birth up until now. I know of a lot of the things she has  experienced, the tragedies she’s had in her life, but I am an adult and can handle such things differently, she is a child! Her mother stated that she is having professional counselling also with the school district, I stated to her, “perfect!”

I believe my niece will be given the opportunity to talk and hopefully open up and share what’s on her mind and if not I will know quite a bit of what her life has encountered and can be there for her.

You might be asking yourself as a reader? Why am I writing this article,well to reach out to others like yourself that if you know you need to intervene inthe life of a child or youth please do so? Mostly family and close friends that you
notice might need help then please help. Ask the parent if you can intervene in their life.

Your interest possibly will create a wonderful sense of accountable to you be-cause they know that you care about their well-being. You can make a difference in that child’s life. Love is powerful! Loving On Our Youth Is What We Do!

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